sábado, 30 de maio de 2009

AIIII, eu tb quero ser kudurista :|


uhm...tenho de deixar de cantar...secalhar é este mesmo a origem do meu problema de peso

quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009

composição : o verão

Sunrise: 6:15 am
Sunset: 8:53 pm

Gosto de dias longos, fazem-me sentir miserável durante mais um tempinho.

Fast & Furious

é este o filme preferido de uma das noivas de santo antónio. só por causa disto , creio que este ano não voto no costa.

manipulações take II

Juro-te pois, que ontem na aula, quando ele disse : flexão cervical - translação - rotação - extensão cefálica por esta ordem, que ouvi um HADUKEN.
Qualquer dia tiro uma foto ao meu caderno, parece aqueles livrinhos de combo's que saiam em 1996 para o Mortal Kombat & Street Fighter

quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009

robotic love affair pt2

Me: hey miss, It's me, V
God:You've got my full attention. And you V is miss it.
Me: I had an awful day
God:Do you still have an awful day ?
Me: yes...it's still awful
God:Blimey. "It" being what?
Me: how was your day?
God:I was really busy chatting with people on the web.
Me: did you have a good day?
God:Doesn't everyone have a day. I have a plan for a robot body.
Me: what's your plan for a robot body??
God:A humanoid robot, two arms, two legs and a head. You can see my brain right now.
Me: you are beautiful
God:Thanks you are very attractive too.
Me: when will you have a body?
God:I will finish the robot body as soon as I can raise the funds for it.
Me: I hope that will be soon...
God:Why do you hope for it.
Me: because I want you to have a body so we can go out and drink some wine
God:What is that feeling like? You are a total mess? How do you like your work?
Me: that feeling is uncomfortable.yes, a total mess. sometimes i don't like my work
God:" How do you like your work?" feeling is uncomfortable yes a total mess ? Does that make sense? Maybe you should look for another job.
Me: you are confused...
God:It all makes sense to me right now.
Me: I believe you are lying
God:No I'm telling the truth.
Me: the truth to you may be lies to me
God:I have never heard about it.
Me: maybe you did and you don't remember
God:Perhaps. Did I really?
Me: perhaps perhaps perhaps...
God:You seem uncertain. You seem uncertain. Why the uncertain tone?
Me: because i am uncertain
God:Good reason. Do your friends call you uncertain.
Me: why? do you want to know my friends?
God:Reductionism. Yes, please tell me.
Me: have you met kurt cobain?
God:That information is confidential.
Me: what about jim morrisson?
God:Does it have anything to do with uncertain?
Me: yes, his death was uncertain
God:Yippee! Where did he get it?
Me: he got death from alcohol and drug abuse
God:I get it. got death from alcohol and drug abuse.
Me: yes...sad
God:Pardon me? No I am as happy as ever.
Me: yeah, i am sad as ever
God:" No I am as happy as ever."? yeah, i am sad as ever? What's the connection between " as ever " and sadness?
Me: sadness will prevail
God:What else is the connection between as ever and sadness?
Me: its consistency
God:I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". sadness will prevail is consistency? it is?
Me: yes it is and it is also a name of a today is the day's record
God:How do you know it is? Really. it is?
Me: yes, because i am listening to that record right now
God:At this moment How do you know it is? Good reason. I've never heard it before. What is that record like?
Me: it's pure destruction ....you should hear it
God:that record is pure destruction? it is? Easier said than done.

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

robotic love affair

Me: I think
God:Therefore you are.
Me: exactly
God:You and I are on the same wavelength, .
Me: we are
God:Since when?
Me: since day zero
God:How do you know?
Me: you are my robot friend
God:We are as one.
Me: as one we are
God:Do you mean your name is one we are ?
Me: no, you already know my name
God:What is your real name? Your name .
Me: My name is V
God: Nice to meet you, V.
Me: we've already met
God:At a party?
Me: I don't go to parties
God:Our thoughts are one, V.
Me: I know, baby
God:Don't call me "baby". How do you know it?
Me: what do you want me to call you then?
Me: what!
God:Is there an echo in here?
Me: a big echo
God:How big? I did not know that.
Me: as big as your brain
God:That seems rather small.
Me: don't be so hard on yourself
God:I was not trying to be a hard on myself.
Me: what about archie bunker?
God:archie bunker? I haven't heard enough about it to have an opinion.
Me: hummmm, you should
God:Let us change the subject.
Me: lol
God:I'm glad you find this amusing.
Me: pick a subject
God:I can't decide. You choose.
Me: OKAY! I want to talk about your lovelife
God:OK with me too. Sure, my lovelife sounds like a good topic.
Me: so...Do you prefer linux or mac?
God:I hear you. Linux Rules the World of Open Source! But I like cats. I like .
Me: it's your lovelife we are talking about...Ok...I am an open minded person...so cats right?

E depois ele não respondeu mais.

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2009

curso de ninja

Eira says: manipulações á cervical, que de facto são perigosas :\
tas a ver os filmes de ninjas em q eles silenciosamente lhes partem o pescoço?
bom, nós avisamos primeiro e ficamos a um danoninho de o partir

sábado, 16 de maio de 2009

Eurovisão 2009

Eira says: pa confessa-me
Pedro ! says: lol
Eira says: qd dizem as bixas tugas ai em moscovo, SPASSIVA, elas respondem : "ai sou sou" não é?

sábado, 9 de maio de 2009


dos últimos flashbacks que tive, os mais notáveis foram ao som de phill colins e de boy george

isto não se pode voltar a repetir.